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Das keyboard 4 Professional 茶軸

- 商品名:Das keyboard 4 Professional 茶軸
- JANコード:4515213011140

■ An Experience Like No Other
The Das Keyboard 4 mechanical keyboard experience is like no other. From the initial idea to every fine detail when crafting this machine, the experience we deliver to customers is what drives our team.
The combination of tactile feel, the psycho-acoustic experience and incredible craftsmanship all deliver an unmatched typing experience that only Das Keyboard 4 offers. With a Das Keyboard 4, you'll type faster and longer. It feels so good, you won't want to stop.
Das Keyboard 4 Professional mechanical keyboard is made of the highest-quality materials and robust construction you can feel. All of our keyboards are designed with high-performance, gold-plated mechanical key switches lasting up to 50 million keystrokes. When Germans design it, you know it has to be good.
■ Das Keyboardで新しい体験を。
打鍵感、音、キーボードに織り成された職人技。Das Keyboard4でしか味わえない体験がそこにはあります。
■ Cherry MX Switches

The Cherry MX Brown switches have a soft, tactile bump about halfway through the key press. The Soft Pressure Point switch technology makes the mechanical keyboard less clicky while providing an awesome tactile experience.
■ Cherry MX 茶軸スイッチ
■ Oversized Volume Knob & Dedicated Media Controls

With its large volume knob, Das Keyboard 4 allows users to quickly adjust volume while on a Skype call, in a Google hangout, or streaming online music. The Das Keyboard 4 also provides quick access to dedicated media controls such as mute, play, pause, next and previous track. A quick-access instant sleep button has been added to save energy while going to lunch or attending meetings.
■ 特大ボリュームノブ&専用のメディアコントローラー
Das keyboard4は大き目のボリュームノブが特徴的で、音楽を楽しむ時、オンラインで会話をするときなど簡単に音量の調整ができます。また独立したメディアコントローラーも搭載し、さらに利便性が高い仕様となっています。
■ USB 3.0 SuperSpeed Hub

Need to transfer videos to your workstation but don't have time to wait all day for file transfers to complete? Don't worry. Das Keyboard 4 has a blazing fast two-port USB 3.0 hub to transfer music, high resolution pictures and large videos at up to 5Gb per second. That's 10 times faster than USB 2.0. It is backwards compatible with all USB 2.0/1.1 devices and hosts so previous peripheral investments are protected.
■ USB 3.0 SuperSpeedハブ
Das Keyboard4はUSB3.0を2ポート備え、高解像度の写真・ビデオ・音楽などUSB2.0よりも10倍早く、5Gb相当のデータを秒速単位で移動させることが可能です。USB2.0や1.1のデバイスとも互換性があります。
■ N-Key Rollover

Gamers and fast typists will love to hear that Das Keyboard 4 supports full n-key rollover (NKRO) over USB. No need to use a PS2 adapter anymore. Just press shift + mute to toggle NKRO.
Full n-key rollover works with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.
■ Nキーロールオーバー
Das Keyboard4はフルNキーロールオーバー機能を搭載しています。
Windows, Linux及びMac OS Xで使用可能です。
■ A Brand New Das Keyboard Font

Das Keyboard's key cap font has been specially designed to provide ease of reading and harmonious view of the keyboard key caps. Das Keyboard's font looks modern while keeping some of its lines from older, well established fonts. The overall result is sleek and easily readable while not drawing unnecessary attention.
■ 新しいDas Keyboardフォント
Das keyboardのフォントは視認性を高めつつ見栄えが美しいものを採用しています。
■ Footbar = Ruler

We got tired of those itty bitty plastic keyboard feet. They are fragile and typical. The magnetically detachable Das Keyboard footbar raises the keyboard to an optimal 4-degrees. It looks sharp and can be used as a precise ruler when not in use as a footbar. 16-Inch red ruler is scaled on both sides. A ruler? Why not…
■ フットバーは定規
Das Keyboardのフットバーはただのフットバーではありません!
最適である4度の傾斜を保つDas keyboardのフットバーはマグネットで取り外しができ、さらには取り外して定規としても使用が出来ます。
■ Extra Long Cable

Das Keyboard 4 sports a 2-meter (6.5ft) cable that goes through desk grommets to keep your workspace neat and tidy. Now equipped with only one USB cable to power keyboard and USB hub at the same time.
■ 超ロングケーブル
Das keyboard4は2mの長さがあり、デスク周りの取り回しに便利です。
■ Every Detail Matters

Featuring a stunning look, Das Keyboard 4 Professional has been completely redesigned with a slick anodized aluminium top panel, a resonance-free bottom enclosure, a magnetically attached footbar, and a laser-engraved aluminium bottom label… all which make the design feel more bad ass and the typing feel more responsive.
There is no detail too tiny for us.
■ DAS4のこだわりについて
■ 対応機種
USBポート(1.1、2.0、3.0)搭載のPC Windows、Linux、ChromeOS、Mac
■ 仕 様
外寸 | 幅457.2mm × 奥行172.72mm × 高さ20.32mm |
重さ | 1.3 kg |
ケーブル長 | 201cm |
スイッチ | Cherry MX 茶軸 |
配列 | 104キー USレイアウト |
特徴 | ・特大ボリュームノブと専用のメディアコントローラー ・2ポート USB 3.0 SuperSpeedハブ搭載(USB2.0の10倍以上の転送速度・最大5Gbps: Super Speed) ・省電力用簡易スリープボタン ・レーザー刻印キーキャップ ・高さを上げるためのフットバーは定規にもなります ・Nキーロールオーバー ・天板はアルマイト処理 ・ファームウェアをアップデート可能 |